Chocolate is my absolute treat, provided it contains a minimum of 70% of cacao. I even tasted last month a 99% dark chocolate but I admit it was slightly too much for me (not for my son apparently, that’s my boy!). Most of the commercial dark chocolate contain some milk or sugar. So for this chocolate quinoa crisps, I made my own chocolate from scratch, to get a truly dairy free and refined sugar free chocolate.
Combining puffed quinoa and chocolate is a healthy take on the rice crispy chocolate treats I loved as a child. On top of being nutrient-rich, quinoa has a nutty flavor that is a delicious match with the intense flavor of dark chocolate. The result is crunchy and way tastier than the dull chocolate-rice version. Just give it a try!
- 150 g puffed quinoa {see 'How to make puffed quinoa'}
- 50 g raw cacao
- 50 g cacao butter
- 50 g coconut oil
- 5-6 tablespoons of coconut nectar (adjust the amount to your taste)
- A pinch of unrefined sea salt
- ½ tsp of vanilla powder
- Melt the cacao butter and coconut oil in a bain marie or in a small pot on a low temperature. Remove right away from heat when it is melted.
- Sift in the cacao powder and whisk until totally combined.
- Add the coconut nectar and a pinch of sea salt. Sea salt lifts chocolate flavor, be sure to use good quality one (I use Mediterranean untreated and non-refined sea salt).
- Put the quinoa puffs in a large bowl and pour over the chocolate. Mix together.
- Scoop into small muffin paper tins and refrigerate until hardened. If you manage not to eat all of them at once, store them in the fridge.
You can adjust the amount of chocolate you pour on the puffed quinoa depending on your preference: more chocolaty or crunchy crisps, it's up to you!
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