You probably know this by now, looking at very name of this blog, but I have a thing for chocolate and quinoa! In fact, the first recipe I ever shared here was Chocolate & quinoa crisps, and last year for Easter I created those cute Chocolate and quinoa nests.When craving for something sweet hits, and I want to stay on the healthy yet ...
Fluffy Vegan Coconut Macaroons or ‘Rochers Coco’
Sour, bitter, sweet, salty... In few days the French school where my son attends will organize the 'Days of Taste' (Journées du Goût). The aim is to bring food awareness to children and showcase the diversity of taste. I strongly support any initiative that instills in children the curiosity to taste and transmits the passion for food. So I happily ...
New Gluten Free Empanadas Flavors At Cabana De Empanadas {Collaboration Project}
Good morning! I am so excited to announce the launch tomorrow of new gluten free empanada flavors at Cabana De Empanadas, as a result of my collaboration with this lovely coffee shop I talked to you about last August. ...
Vegan Coconut Panna Cotta & Dark Chocolate Pudding Verrines
I promised myself it would be a lazy Saturday, and I would prepare a simple dessert for tonight's dinner with friends. Coconut panna cotta is an easy dessert, so is dark chocolate pudding. Of course I couldn’t choose which one to do, so why not do both, and pair them in layered verrines? ...
How To Make Powdered Coconut Sugar
If you look for a way to replace your super refined powdered sugar next time you bake or frost your favorite cookies, I suggest you try powdered coconut sugar. Coconut sugar is one of my preferred alternative sweetener since I stopped using white refined sugar. ...
Thai Green Curry with Aubergine and Kale {Homemade Curry Paste}
Raise your hand if you ever thought a gluten and dairy free diet doesn’t leave much to eat, or that adapted recipes just can’t be as good as the ‘traditional’ version… at least that is how it feels at first. We forget that billions of people cook everyday delicious dishes without gluten grains or cow’s milk, think Thai food for example. When I ...
Apricot, Cashew and Coconut Granola
Granola was never part of my breakfast as a child. In France, we eat tartines in the morning, slices of bread with a (thick) layer of jam, or croissants and viennoiseries. After moving to Finland, layers of cheese, salami and cucumber appeared on my morning bread (see how you can get used to anything). Granola is a recent addition to my breakfast, ...