Pouring rain and lightning, just the perfect weather to enjoy a lunch at La Soupe, a small soup bar in the heart of Helsinki. I first met La Soupe founder, Mikael, last month at Restaurant Days, where he was offering yummy looking cold soups, served in papercups to go. Not only his soup bar has a French name, but Mikael speaks perfectly my mother tongue, as he lived in Monaco during his childhood. I promised to visit La Soupe, and I am happy I finally did today. Out of the 4 delicious and original soups offered everyday, all are gluten free. Some soups are also milk free, lactose free or vegan, so everyone surely finds a steamy cup to enjoy from the soup bar. My pick today was a Mexican soup, perfectly spiced up, with corn and veggies, sprinkled with cashew nuts, sesame seeds, herbs and chili flakes, hmmm!
The concept of La Soupe came up one day when Mikael warmed up some soup leftover from his fridge, and poured it in a coffee cup to go before heading to the city. The happy feeling he got walking around with his hot cup of soup, on a cold day, inspired him to open his own soup bar, and we are glad he did. Cup to go for lunch, one liter of fresh soup to grab for dinner just before going home (now I got your attention), gourmet basket for your summer picnics… Did I already mention that La Soupe uses organic ingredients and only locally produced food? What else to ask… perhaps gluten free quiches someday, and the quick return of sunny weather!
For more gluten free places, follow me on Instagram: #chocolateandquinoaeatingout
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