It’s this time of the year again when my family and I gather in our kitchen and prepare the traditional Christmas biscuits we’ll enjoy throughout the holidays! We love making them as gift for friends, teachers and other people we want to show appreciation to.
This year I share an easy recipe of Almond and Cinnamon Biscuits – or ‘Bredele’ as they are called in Alsace. You’ll surely have fun making them with kids! The recipe is based on three simple ingredients, almond flour, powdered sugar and egg whites. I usually replace part of the white powdered sugar with my own home made xylitol powdered sugar (here is how to do your own), to decrease the glycemic index.
The biscuits are flavored with ground cinnamon. I often like to switch half of the cinnamon with gingerbread spices or ‘4-spices’ for a flavor boost.
Decorating is definitely the most fun part of making biscuits. This year my son showed me a brand new way of decorating seasonal biscuits, which will probably become the new standard in our home.
I first started to draw patiently snowflakes designs with icing sugar. This cute ‘melting’ snowman is made with a tiny marshmallow for the head, icing sugar and little brown confettis which required the use of tweezers to be set in place (so yes, doing one snowman biscuit was enough ^^).
In the meanwhile, Hugo was having the time of his life happily spreading thick layers of icing sugar on his biscuits, piling up mini marshmallows, sprinkling sugar hearts and confettis into what looked more like rocky road treats than Christmas biscuits. Needless to say I quickly let aside my sophisticated designs and joined him in his funky decorative way!
This holiday season let’s not pressure ourselves with the perfect biscuits, perfect presents or perfect decorations. Rather let’s savor those precious simple moments with our loved ones, because that’s what really matters.
If you’d like to try other Christmas biscuits, check out my Spritz Bredele or Leckerli Bredele recipes!
Happy baking!
- 300 g almond flour
- 150 g powdered sugar (you can use partly homemade powdered xylitol for lower GI)
- 2 tsp ground cinnamon (or 1 tsp cinnamon and 1 tsp gingerbread spices)
- 2 egg whites
- 1 tbsp lemon juice
- Mix together almond flour and powdered sugar.
- Whisk egg whites until stiff peak. Stir in the the almond flour mixture, cinnamon and lemon juice, until it comes together as a dough.
- Lightly sprinkle powdered sugar on the worktop and roll the dough out on it, to the thickness of ½ cm.
- Using biscuit cutters, cut biscuits out of the dough and transfer to a baking sheet covered with parchment paper. Let them dry at ambient temperature overnight.
- Bake the biscuits for 5 minutes at 20 degrees. Let them cool down on a wire rack. Have fun decorating them with icing sugar, confettis or even mini marshmallows!
- 300 g poudre d'amande
- 150 g sucre glace (vous pouvez remplacer une partie par du sucre glace de xylitol fait maison, pour un index glycémique moins élevé)
- 2 cc cannelle (ou 1 cc cannelle et 1 cc 4 épices)
- 2 blanc d'oeufs
- 1 cuil. à soupe de jus de citron
- Mélanger la poudre d'amande et le sucre glace.
- Battre les blancs en neige ferme. Incorporer le mélange amande-sucre glace, la cannelle et le jus de citron et bien mélanger.
- Saupoudrez le plan de travail de sucre glace et étaler la pâte sur ½cm d'épaisseur.
- Découper des formes à l'emporte-pièce. Les déposer sur une plaque recouverte de papier cuisson et laisser sécher toute une nuit.
- Faire cuire 5 minutes au four à 200 degrés. Laisser refroidir et décorer d'un glaçage blanc, paillettes, ou même (comme nous) de mini mashmallows!
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